Confessions of a Wool Addict

I must be getting old but I prefer wise, because I’m starting to gain insight into my behavior. As the owner of a rug hooking studio, I’m surrounded by thousands of yards of wool every time I’m in the store. Lucky me, your thinking.  Guess again.  Regular shipments of wool arrive in the studio and each may contain over a hundred yards of wool.  Big bolts of beautiful textures and colours invoke ooohs and aaaahs as each box is opened.  In my mind’s eye, I can see a use for each and every wool and vow to save some for a future project.  The bolts are placed in their colour co-ordinated, neat rows on the shelves waiting to entice the next wool addict that enters the studio.  At first I’m excited to share this treasured wool with other rug hookers and every sale is appreciated.  Days and weeks pass and more people love and buy this wool.  I begin to eye the dwindling bolt and wonder how much is still left.  I start to become anxious….it will be gone before I get a chance to use it!  This is where I tear off a couple of yards and tuck it away for myself.  The wool is now down to its last little bit when a woman enters the studio in a panic.  She ran out of this wonderful wool and the little bit that is left simply isn’t enough.  What.  To.  Do.  I can suggest a different wool that she can blend in with the other wool creating a “fabulous primitive look”…which is true and this presents a solution to my dilemma of deciding whether I’m keeping my stashed wool or letting her have it.  (Now you know why we use the term: wool stash.  It’s meant to be hidden!).  Empathy wins out and I dig out my saved piece and watch it go out the door.  I console myself with the thought that perhaps one day it will be remilled and then I will definitely keep some for myself.  Fair warning……buy more than you think you will need, that big bolt will not be there the next time you visit and I’m not giving mine up so easily next time! 🙂

Hug your wool.


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